Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Hallo there

I promised a follow up article on money matters, so here's a few ideas:

By reducing debt, is probably the first and important step towards your goal to save money.

Start by paying off the account   with the highest interest,  or start squashing the smaller balances first, then use the additional funds from that,  and utilize it as an extra payment for  the highest debt balance.

Draw a bank statement and take some time out to have a look at your bank charges, maybe there’s a more cost effective package you can take out, instead of the you are using now. Keep track where money is going to.

See where  you can save by reducing your budget of if there’s regular activities you can cut back on. If you eat out often, maybe start there.. Open a savings account and allow a debit order for funds to be transferred directly into your savings account.  The amount can be minimal, and once you have saved on some other expenses, start increasing the amount.  When doing grocery shopping, stick to budget and shopping list.

Little changes can add up to big savings on expenses. 

A smart way to save on money is to start buying Christmas gifts now already, instead of forking out a lot of cash to buy everything at once, and now everything is still reasonably priced.  

Thanks for reading!
CK xxx

Monday, 7 September 2015

Mangwanani Brand Ambassador

Good Morning Friends

Today I have some exciting news to share… I’m still smiling from ear to ear whilst typing  this.

I’ve entered a competition a few months ago at Mangwanani, they ran a competition for a Brand Ambassador!!! So decided to  and enter,  and I WON !!!!

Yes, I am now a Mangwanani Brand  Ambassador!!!! I a am over the moon!! I am happy to start my journey with Mangwanani , along with all of you of course!

A bit more about Mangwanani African Spa:

Welcome to Mangwanani – The Original African Spa

Mangwanani African Spa came into existence in 2002, when Erin Limbert, Mangwanani’s dynamic CEO first set into motion the realisation of a long standing dream to create a wellness retreat where South Africans could experience true head-to-toe indulgence.

Coupling the ethos of revitalisation with an African inspiration presented an initial challenge because of the uniqueness of this concept. However, Mangwanani’s first priority has always been the upliftment of rural women, which is a philosophy that ties in with the African spirit that drives Mangwanani.

More than just employing rural women, Mangwanani provides training and accredited qualifications to produce some of the finest qualified therapists available. These women are able to completely change their lives with a “hand up” instead of a “hand out”.

Mangwanani African Spa has an average of 120 000 visitors enjoying its facilities annually and currently employs 1000 employees. And we are extremely proud to report that 95% of our team comprises of previously disadvantaged individuals.

Spa Packages and treatments:
There are a variety of Spa packages to choose from, which includes Kids spa packages, Corporate spa packages and Individual treatments. But If you are treatment “junkie” like myself, you would go straight to the packages and see what is available to enjoy, unwind and relax!!

Mangwanani has a shop available where you can purchase an array of spa products to create that “spa” feeling at home! You can purchase these items online as well for your convenience. There’s also clothing items available, accessories, soft toys and vouchers, which will make the ideal gift!!

There are branches in Gauteng, KwaZula Natal, Western  Cape, Limpopo, and
Eastern Cape

You can go to their website to check out amazing deals!

Thanks for reading!